ArTELIER linkage program 2021

ArTELIER’s network of Tasmanian artists are committed to improving quality arts practice with children, families and young people.  ArTELIER’s professional learning exchanges are grounded in arts practice that embed professional development, mentoring and partnership development opportunities, always interconnected to practical application. In 2020/21 we are stepping up our support to build ArTELIER artists’ collaborations to realise the projects that they are passionate about delivering and created from identified community need. We seek support towards seed funding three new linkage projects generated through our 2019/20 program – to develop the partnerships and leverage additional project funding within and beyond Tasmania.

Each linkage program directly links with an associated ArTELIER peer Learning Exchange and website resource area. Each linkage program will include a mentorship component delivered through a series of mentoring satellite sessions led by experienced Tasmanian, national and international creatives. Each project be steered by a creative production team drawn from the ArTELIER collective who will plan, deliver and evaluate each program.

Online workshops with Sheree Martin

Online workshops with Sheree Martin

ArTELIER Inside 

ArTELIER INSIDE will develop on-line creative encounters between artists and children, families and young people in their own homes and other safe spaces. Through the COVID-19 pandemic we have identified the need to bring high quality creative arts activity into young children’s homes, and a need to support vulnerable immune-compromised populations in isolation. This linkage program provides an opportunity to further learn from and develop our everyday practice as an ArTELIER group of artists. ArTELIER INSIDE expands and deepens accessible engagement for communities across the state, including:

  • immune-compromised and vulnerable children and youth who may still be isolating due to health conditions

  • small neighbourhood groups who access the program through our newfound online tools as we rebuild a sense of community

  • developing an on-line residency with performance outcomes created with young people with and without a disability to learn about themselves and others through story, movement and improvisation in partnership with Second Echo Ensemble

Key artists: Sheree Martin, Robin Godfrey, Kirsty Grierson, Leigh Tesch and Julia Drouhin, Luke Campbell, Kelly Drummond Cawthon, Bella Young

Kelly Drummond Cawthon on Bluejeans

Kelly Drummond Cawthon on Bluejeans

Bec Stevens Park trolley (closed)

Bec Stevens Park trolley (closed)

ArTELIER Outside

ArTELIER OUTSIDE offers organised or chance encounters between children, families and young people, individually and in small groups and artists – in public parks. Each creative encounter will explore ways to foster intergenerational activity and nourish our parks as safe, inviting creative spaces. This linkage program takes an emergent approach to developing develop respectful community partnerships that positively impact community wellness and mental health through to honour and make visible: 

  • children’s and young people’s agency 

  • the diversity of local park users.

  • the values and stories of Tasmanian aboriginal people

  • rich stories that strengthen community connection  

Bec Stevens Park trolley (open)

Bec Stevens Park trolley (open)

ArTELIER OUTSIDE begins with an identified pilot site, Benjafield Park in Glenorchy, and includes a series of co-created book making sessions and a ‘park library’ that builds on the experience gained through recent publishing activity. .Future plans are to co-design and produce a mobile studio for ArTELIER artists to use when undertaking creative encounters in outside spaces. This customised trailer will become a resource for this arts practice model that can be delivered in parks all over the state.  

Conversations are underway with key partners in this program including: Nature Play Network, Australian Association of Environmental Educators (AAEE), Sustainability Learning Centre, Moonah Arts Centre, Glenorchy City Council, Kick Start Arts, members of the Tasmanian Aboriginal Community. Key artists: Bec Stevens, Simon Spain, Andy Vagg and Kris Schaefer.

The Tree Castle under 5s ARTELIER book

The Tree Castle under 5s ARTELIER book


ArTELIER BOOKS extends the learnings from the recent ArTELIER publications – a book co-created by children and ArTELIER artists, and a zine by young people (14-24) in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This linkage program builds on the deep knowledge ATWA brings of publishing by communities for communities. The program supports the creation of publications that respond to current and topical issues, address emotional health and wellbeing concerns, while creating enduring resources for children, young people and artists.

This pedagogical approach explores innovative new professional learning models and new ways to generate creative content with children, families and young people in their communities. Publishing books is a powerful way to document ArTELIER practice and publicise and promote the ArTELIER project while communicating the value of children and young people’s creative voices in the wider community. 

Will showing the COVID-19 Zine

Will showing the COVID-19 Zine

Proposed book publishing projects include:

- two further compendia by young people responding to current themes arising from the COVID-19 pandemic (following Compendium #1 – How can I find normal when I’m living in a social tragedy? July 2020) 

-  a publication in partnership the Skills for Kids Café (UTAS/Northern Early Childhood/ArTELIER 2019 partnership)

-  ArTELIER working with children to capture their responses to disappearing migratory shorebirds in partnership with the Overwintering Project exhibition with Burnie Art Gallery

Key artists: Victoria Ryle, Karen Revie, Mel Fidler, Bella Young, Sonja Hindrum.

All emotions allowed here 2020

All emotions allowed here 2020

Leading by sharing

Leading by sharing

Sector Leadership

ArTELIER is Tasmania’s go-to hub of community engaged artists who work with children and young people.

 The key features of ArTELIER’s leadership include:

  • Australia’s first paid professional learning exchange for independent artists, (legitimising reflective practice and professional training for regional and isolated practitioners; empowering all participants to co-design and deliver the program; gaining essential skills in a diverse range of programming, administrative and artistic practice; and providing income for artists when other ‘workshop-based’ activities have ceased).

  • Leading development of online engagements between artists and children, families and young people in this COVID-19 era (establishing Linkage programs as a new model and learning platform).

  • Exploring online technologies for the delivery of ArTELIER. (Our range of online solutions include: Zoom and Bluejeans for online engagements, Slack for team communications and documentation, Asana to track program milestones and schedules, Miro and Groupmap for online collaboration, and AirTable as a publicly available artist database for cross sectorial organisations looking to employ creative solutions for social issues.)

  • Instigating a brand-new national learning exchange ‘Shifting and Stirring’, (connecting Australian organisations working with children, families and young people to share resources and ideas and develop new national networks for Tasmanian artists). 

  •  Promoting a collegiate and non-competitive approach to partnerships in our arts sector. (ArTELIER artists include staff members of key Tasmanian arts and cultural organisations including Contemporary Arts Tasmania, The Longhouse, Moonah Arts Centre, Salamanca Art Centre, Kickstart Arts, MONA, Second Echo, A Fairer World and BigHART and Huon City Council.)

  •  Presenting nationally and internationally (in 2018/9 members of the collective have delivered face-to-face presentations in Melbourne, Korea, London, New York).

  • Mentoring as a two-way learning opportunity. Bringing diverse practitioners together to generate new ways of working that result in fresh and contemporary program design, (e.g. mentoring a young ArTELIER artist to lead an online program for youth aged 14-24 resulting in a published zine).
