Conversations with the Saltmarsh


Next meeting in April

... it has been a rich and rewarding experience to be introduced to diverse environments and disciplines indigenous and non-indigenous over an extended period of time... The site visits and unconventional perspectives and partnerships have encouraged me to look to nature for models of collaboration in order to think of systems change and to how represent it visually.
— Dr Megan Walch
  • The Conversations with the Saltmarsh project unites a collective of artists to investigate Southern Tasmania's Pipeclay Lagoon Saltmarshes. This evolving initiative involves a central artist group convening on-site quarterly, with additional resident artists joining to collectively explore the environment. This project has grown from an observation over many years of the Saltmarshes at Pipeclay Lagoon.

  • The Saltmarshes are rich ecologies of environmental sustainability and offer an environment for artists and community to learn and explore these interstitial zones, better understand the flora and fauna of the places and reconsider the social and geographical histories of the interface between land and sea in Clarence. Artists will use the environment as stimuli for the creation of multidisciplinary engagement strategies that may challenge and question, entertain and educate local communities to appreciate an increasingly changing and endangered environment that is right outside our window. Engaging artists in environment and sense of place is a well-known strategy to create innovative artworks and tactics that raise awareness and foster discussion. This project has no prescribed outcomes but intends to create a valuable impact around an understanding of place, environmental ecosystems and interrelationships within Clarence.

  • Some artists engaged in the project has developed a body of work with completed paintings, drawings or photographs. There are some initial responses in the gallery below. Each artist works at a different speed and the group consider the act of conversation itself as a rich practice nurturing and inspiring new works of all kinds.


Meg Walsh: oil and acrylic on wood 9 units each 30cm x 40cm

Greg Alexander : Saltmarsh Clifton - watercolour

Bec Stevens: untitled - stamped ink

Simon Spain - ENOUGH


  • 22 October 2022

    The first iteration of the Saltmarsh project was a special introduction to the nature of these significant environments, by visiting UTAS researcher Dr Vishnu Prahalad. The talk was then followed by a site visit and saltmarsh wander, exploring and documenting plant species and other key ecological players that exist within this intertidal zone.

  • 11 February 2023

    The second gathering took us across the saltmarsh, to observe and document some of what was present along the shoreline. Artist Bec Stevens facilitated a reflective session before we returned to all that we are, for a zoom session with guest speaker, Dr Fiona Hillary. Fiona shared a little about her current project, Reverberating Futures, which explores the human and non-human matter of site, through naturally occurring reverberations along an inaccessible shoreline, 20km on the west coast of Port Phillip Bay, Victoria.

  • 3 June 2023

    For our third session, the group joined the Tasmanian Oyster Company to see the saltmarsh from another perspective. We were guided by two of their crew, who shared deep insight into the world of oysters, water health and aquaculture, all from the salty platform of a cruising barge.

  • 11 November 2023

    After walking the Saltmarsh at Pipe Clay Lagoon together the group started to share some practice. They shared ideas for responses to the experience so far. As always there were additional members of the group who were in residence at 'all that we are'. Today, Ioana Paramaribo from Romania, joined the group and we had a presentation from ceramicist Jane Bamford.

  • 24 February 2024

    The first conversation of 2024 was a bringing together of the artists and the scientists. Artist in residency Miriam Al-Noah cooked a meal for a gathering of 12 artists and 10 scientists from UTAS. This conversation was designed to identify potential overlaps between the two groups research practice.

  • 26 October 2024

    Unusually, due a variety of other committments, the group met on Zoom to plan a way forward for the project.

Who is involved?

Swipe right/left..

Some videos of previous conversations…







  • Yes you can, let us know who you are and why you are interested in being part of the project.

  • The project is supported by all that we are - providing space, technical support and promotion for the project.

    We have had support from the Clarence City Council’s Community Support program and also in kind support from the Tasmanian Oyster Company.

  • This project is in development and ideas and outcomes are emerging so at the moment we don’t know exactly! However we imagine that there will be a series of community events and further gatherings in 2024 with a culmination of the project through exhibition and publication in 2025.

  • Here are a few links about saltmarshes:

    Watch Vishnu on ABC here:

    Saltmarsh Links Australia

    Aust: project 11734372 recreational-fishers-boosting-fish-habitat-saving-our-saltmarsh

    Saltmarsh Links International saltmarshes marshes-and-why-we-need-to-protect-them