Ioana Palamar is interested in exploring her memories since her childhood period and their strong influence upon her adulthood period. According to Sigmund Freud’s theories, mental processes and motivations are outside our awareness and during our development they are pushed into unconsciouness. Ioana is using art as a therapy in order to bring into her consciousness specfic wounds that strongly affected her in the past so that she can heal them and gain afterwards a certain level of balance. She is interested in revealing these aspects by representing a series of eyes, portraits, but also distorted facial features which are a metaphor of her moral structure that needs to be harmonized. Thus, she developed her interest in searching for her own identity and for (self-)knowledge, by transceding her own physical limits in order to discover some inner truths and to find herself. Once a specific spiritual level is reached, a big price is payed: loneliness, which can degrade the human soul sometimes. The spiritual balance can be reached by gaining a peaceful state of mind she is craving for and the connection with the others can make this possible. She is exploring this complex concept by using mixed techniques on various materials which offer her a great freedom.