Summer Seasonal Feast

IMG_4139This was the first in a new series of seasonal feasts at 1450. Chef Hugh Flint produces an extraordinary seven course gastronomic feast made with seasonal ingredients. The meals take place four times a year and are by invitation only. Please send us an email if you are interested in coming to the next seasonal feast.

I am all about flavour. I am a true believer in the idea that to be a good cook, you must first be a good eater. I have loved eating food since before I can remember. I grew up on the kitchen bench, on a lead at the farmers market or in the garden. For me good food comes from good soil, a balanced eco system and healthy oceans. It just has such a indescribably better flavour. When I cook professionally I really try to represent these environments, the time of year and our place in the world. So I can show full appreciation of the ingredients I use I like to hunt, dive, catch, forage, or pick my ingredients whenever possible.

Hugh Flint


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