ArTELIER 2018 - Valuing Youth Arts: as a stepping stone and place of experimentation

artelieryoutharts1This session of ArTELIER had a focus around Youth Arts. Bella Young, a core member of the ArTELIER team and as a young artist, presented her practice as a dancer, from recent overseas residencies, and the key provocation was from 10 year old Jack who is a member of North Tasmanian Youth dance group Stompin'.jack Jack took some time off school to speak about what drew him to be interested in dance and how Stompin' has allowed him to develop skills and personal confidence.  It was powerful to have a young person presenting their views  and answering questions from the group.During the day the ArTELIER group was split between Hobart and Launceston (with the main activity taking place in the Tamar Valley).The group spoke about strategies to address barriers to youth arts engagement and shared latest news and issues around individual practice and projects.


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