Claremont Goodstart: Books as Gifts (ArTELIER project #3)

This week saw Victoria sow some seeds for a project around making, creating and publishing books at Goodstart Childcare centre in Claremont. They proposed the idea of books as gifts – for special events, anniversaries – or simply for anyone large or small who may need a little cheering. "As the first time in a while I've been at the chalkface, I find I am bringing a new reflexivity from my research into children's community publishing into my practice: exploring an emergent project design that is both challenging and illuminating."

The children have provided some magic moments in this first week, and I look forward to listening deeply to the staff's responses to these preliminary explorations before we plan the next phase and co-opt some other ArTELIER artists into the mix.


ArTELIER 2019 session two
