Marit Ulvund and Stein Helge Solstad in residence
Marit Ulvund is an Ass. Professor in theater, with an arts-based and practice-led PhD from NTNU, Norway, and QUT, Australia. She is this semester a visiting scholar at Queensland University of Technology, and works on a research monograph of her PhD; Life and Story – From Experience to Performance with Echo Theatre.Marit has a long experience with art programs in kindergarten and elementary school, as a university lecturer/practitioner in drama/theatre, conductor of international university art and education projects, and director and actor in music and theater performances for children. Marit is a director of Seanse Art Center, Norway. Seanse has hosted about 500 artist in residencies since 2004, and arrange national and international art workshops, conferences, and a Small Art Festival. Seanse hosted the first International Teaching Artist Conference (ITAC1) Oslo 2012, and Marit is on the founding board for the ITAC conferences, the next coming up in New York, September 2018. Ass. Prof. Marit Ulvund, Seanse Art Center/Volda University College, Norway - Stein Helge Solstad is an associate professor in music at the University College in Volda, Norway. He has a practice-led Ph.D. from the Norwegian Academy of Music in Norway and was a visiting scholar at Columbia University in New York City in 2010/11. For the time being he has a sabbatical semester in Brisbane writing a research monograph about his Ph.D. topic “Strategies in jazz guitar improvisation”. Besides being a researcher and teacher, he is also a jazz guitarist and composer, – and appears on several recordings. Stein released his last jazz album with own music in December 2017; Elvane møtest (Eng. Rivers meet). Ass. Prof. Stein Helge Solstad, Volda University College, Norway - While in residence Marit and Stein are preparing a Paper performance called:A room of one’s own – researching - Paper performance by Marit Ulvund - Music composed and played by Stein Helge Solstad (guitar)Marit asks; "who am I as a researcher, female writer, theatre practitioner, and may I be all three at the same time? Can I find my research identity, and perform my findings with credibility?"
The human frame being what it is, heart, body, and brain all mixed together, and not contained in separate compartments as they will be no doubt in another million years, a good dinner is of great importance to good talk.
Virginia Wolf
In this paper performance, Marit explores and performs her role as a female performer, writer and researcher. The performance is based on her reflections from the last 10 years gathered in a document called Thoughts, and which are free writings related to her PhD process, herself, and later work. Moreover, the paper performance refers to performances and other academic and literary texts. Stein is working on composing music to the paper performance, and will be playing in the final performance.