Matt Laing in residence


My name is Matt, and I’m a viola player and composer from Melbourne. I’m really looking forward to being away from my every day life as a freelance violist to be able to concentrate on writing in a far removed environment, and in a really beautiful little pocket of Australia. This will actually be the first time I’ll be able to focus purely on writing so I’m not sure what to expect to achieve while I’m there but I have a few projects to work towards and having that time in this environment will give me a greater sense of what can be done when working in an immersive way, which will be really valuable as I move to make writing a larger part of my musical life.
I’d also like to say a big thanks to the Flinders Quartet and Scarlet's Fund for their award of my residency, I’m very grateful.

Simon in the UK - working with the Tate Exchange program


Marit Ulvund and Stein Helge Solstad in residence