ITAC Collaborative THINK TANK


How do you perceive the different perspectives of artists/teachers
as artists in classrooms/schools? Join five teaching artists for this upcoming Think Tank on Tuesday 26th November at 7am Tasmania Australia time (AEDT), Monday 25th November at 8pm (UK GMT), Monday 25th November 4pm (USA EST).


If you are in Australia, grab your choice of caffeine fix and join us for a red-eye discussion around the pedagogical drivers for our work, from the different perspectives of artists who are teachers and teaching artists in schools.

Sarah Astell is a visual arts teacher in Tasmania for 10 years, current PhD Candidate in Visual Arts Education with a focus on Supporting Generalist Primary Teachers to develop pedagogical confidence and competence in the visual arts.

Selena de Carvalho is an award winning inter-disciplinary artist based in Longley Village, Lutruwrita
[Tasmania], whose practice responds to notions of personal ecology and human interaction with
the environment, often relating to the perceived consumption of wilderness and lived experiences of wildness.competence in the visual arts.

Abbey MacDonald is an award winning early career researcher and Senior Lecturer in Arts Education, where she specialises in visual art curriculum, pedagogy and practice. Her classroom teaching experience includes secondary visual arts, media arts and English, as well as diverse pastoral leadership roles.

Simon Spain is a visual and socially engaged artist with over thirty-five-year’s experience of delivering and designing programming for children and young people in several countries and was founding Creative Producer of ArtPlay and Signal in Melbourne. He has just completed his practice based PhD at RMIT centred around bi-encounteral and holistic practice.

Victoria Ryle is co- founder of Kids’ Own Publishing Partnership, Ireland (1997) and founder of Kids’ Own Publishing, Australia, books by children through artist-led community partnerships. She is currently undertaking a PhD at UTAS researching the pedagogies that educators employ to publish books with children as authors.


Katrina Logan in residence


Simon speaks at launch of Jeonju, City of Arts Education